NGC6960 and NGC6992. The Cygnus loop
Diffuse Nebula in Cygnus. 
This spheric nebula known as the cygnus loop forms the remnants of a supernova that exploded some 10,000 years ago.
Distance to earth: 1,400 light years
Visual Magnitude:

High resolution image

Date and location 13 to 23-jul-2010. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope ASA N10, f=906mm on  ASA DDM85 mount. No autoguiding
Camera Artemis11002. H-alpha, SII and OIII  Baader filters
Image processing
4 tiles mosaic. Each tile: H-alfa: 24x900s, SII y OIII: 12x900 registered, stacked and processed with PixInsight .

100% detail of The Pickering Triangle

Date and location 15-sep-2007. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80ED, f=560mm. Autoguíde with Toucam and e-finder. Guidemaster
Camera Artemis11002. 0.7 focal reducer
Image processing
H-alfa: 11x900s. Images aligned and stacked with AIP4WIN. Process with PixInsight .

Date and location 21-jul-2007. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80ED, f=560mm. Autoguíde with Toucam and LX200R. Guidemaster
Camera Artemis11002. TrueTech Supaslim filter Wheel
Image processing
H-alfa: 8x600s; RGB: 5x180s. Images aligned and stacked with AIP4WIN. LRGB composition, histograms and noise supression with PixInsight .

Visits since september 14th, 2004:   Contador
