M3. Golbular Cluster
Globular Cluster in Canes Venatici

This globular cluster, located in Canes Venatici is one of the largests of our galaxy and is farther away than its center. It can be observed with the naked eye in good nights.
Distance to Earth:
33.900 light years
Visual magnitude:

More information can be found at: Messier index. M3

100% crop

Date and location 10-may-2010. Caraquiz, Madrid
Telescope ASA N10, f=906mm,  on ASA DDM85 mount. No autoguiding
Camera Artemis 11002. DAS LPS and Baader RGB filters
Image processing L: 24x180s; RGB: 8x180s, stacked and processed with Pixinsight

Visits since september 14th, 2004:   Contador
