M63. The Sunflower Galaxy
Spiral galaxy in Canes Venatici

The sunflower galaxy was classified by Hubble as Sb or Sc type and its visual appearance resembles a sunflower. It is in the group of m51.
Distance to earth: 37,000,000 light years
Visual Magnitude: 8.6
More information:
Messier index. M63

High resolution image (100%)

Date and location 20-apr-2023. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope GSO RC12  on ASA DDM85 mount. No autoguide
Camera Moravian G3 16200. Hutech IDAS LPS  and Baader H-alfa, R, G, B filters
Image Processing L: 210x300s, H: 50x600S, RGB: 65x300s. Processed with Pixinsight.

Date and location 27-may-2006. Caraquiz, Madrid
Telescope 8" Meade LX200GPS, f=2000mm. Autoguide with Megrez II 80ED, Toucam SC3 and guidedog.
Camera Artemis285. 0.7 focal reducer. Hutech IDAS LPS filter.
Image Processing L: 13x600s bin 1x1. RGB: 5x180s bin 2x2. Registered and stacked with AIP4WIN. Histograms, RGB, LRGB and noise reduction with Pixinsight SE and Pixinsight LE.

Previous images of M63

Visits since september 14th, 2004:   Contador
