NGC1499. The California Nebula
Emission nebula in Perseus

This emision nebula that glows in the H-alpha band due to the hidrogen excited by nearby stars (mainly Xi Persei), is located in the Orion arm of our galaxy and is 100 lightyears long. Seen from Earth covers 2.5 degrees, that is, the width equivalent to 5 full moons. Despite its size it is very difficult to observe it visually with the telescope.

Distance to earth: 1500 lightyears
Visual magnitude: 5

Full resolution image

Date and location January-february 2015. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope ASA N10 F=906mm on ASA DDM85 mount. No autoguide
Camera FLI ML16803.  Hutech IDAS LPS, RGB and H-alfa Baader filters
Proceso de imagen Four tiles mosaic. Each tile H:210x600s, RGB: 120x300s (more than  170 acquisition hours). Calibrated, stacked and processed with Pixinsight

Date and location 1-oct-2005. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80ED f=560mm Autoguide with 8" LX200GPS, Toucam SC and guidedog
Camera Artemis 285. Focalreducer  0,69.  H-alfa filter
Proceso de imagen H:3x300s stacked with AIP4WIN. Final process with  Adobe Photoshop

Date and location 1-oct-2005. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80ED f=560mm Autoguide with 8" LX200GPS, Toucam SC and guidedog
Camera Artemis 285. Focalreducer  0,69.  H-alfa filter
Proceso de imagen H:3x300s stacked with AIP4WIN. Histogram, syinthetic colour generation and noise reduction with PixInsight.  Mixing of colour and luminance (H-alpha) with Adobe Photoshop

Visits since september 14th, 2004:   Contador
