M42. The Great Nebula in Orion
Diffuse nebula in Orion.

This is the brightest diffuse nebula in the sky. It is the main part of a great cloud of gas and dust that covers half the constellation of Orion. 
Distance to earth: 1,600 light years
Visual Magnitude: 4.0
More information:
Messier index. M42

High resolution image (33%)


This image is the result of the efforts of three astrophotographers, Miguel Angel García Borrella, 
Antonio Pérez Ambite and Lluis Romero Ventura that, using different equipment from their observatories located hundreds of kilometres away have chosen a common target to render the Orion Sword area (one of the most beautiful areas of our night sky) with the highest possible resolution and signal level.

Lluis and Miguel Angel have contributed with high resolution images of the Great Orion nebula and
the Running man nebula and Antonio with the magnificent field surrounding both nebulas. Miguel Angel has also contributed with a higher resolution image of the Trapezium composed by very short shots with a Takahasi Mewlon 250 telescope. It should be noted that Antonio's Observatory is located 50 km north of Madrid, which means that the sky conditions are not optimal due to light pollution.

For all this work four remote observatories have been involved, gathering images during more than
two months, collecting the maximum possible amount of signal taking into account the poor climatology and lunations: The Astrosirius Observatory in Àger (Lleida), The Hyperion observatory in Caraquiz (Guadalajara), The SPAG Monfragüe observatory in Monfragüe (Cáceres) and one of the e-EyE observatories in Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz).

The final image was obtained from the assembly of all six tiles, four of them with the same exposure times in all channels (L-RGB) but with two different telescopes covering the Orion and the runnning man nebula, one more to define the Trapezium cluster and its surrounding area, with Very short integration times in the Ha and RGB channels and, finally, some hundreds of wide field images using medium exposure times that helped to resolve the dust clouds that surrounds the objects that compose the Orion Sword area.

The best tool of each processing program was used, and dozens of final images were processed
during three months, to obtain the best resolution and colour for each one.

The total amount of integrated images were 808.

Image details:

Observatoriess: Monfragüe-Cáceres Àger-Lleida
Caraquiz-Guadalajara Fregenal de la Sierra-Badajoz

Dates: From November 2016 till January 2017

Telescopes: ODK 16 f76.8 GSO RC14 Truss
ASA N10 Takahashi Mewlon 250 f/11


Cameras: SBIG STL 11000 C2 /AOL Moravian G3-11000
FLI 16803

Nebula: x4 Mosaic HR: L: 21x900s bin1 RGB: 21x900s bin1 Ha: 21X1s bin1

Nebula surroundings: L: 340x300s bin1 RGB: 100x300s bin1

Trapezium: L: 110x1s bin1, 40x60s bin1 // RGB: 40x60 sec bin1 // Ha: 10x600 sec bin1

Process: Pixinsight, Photoshop Cs6, MaximDL

Software: CAP5, The SKY6, pixinsight, CcdStack, Sequence ASA, CCD Commander.

Remote control: Talon6 ROR

Copyright by:
Miguel Ángel García Borrella: observatoriosspag.es/index.htm
Antonio Pérez Ambité: datsi.fi.upm.es/Hyperion/astronomia.html
Lluís Romero Ventura: astrophotographysirius.com/

Date and location 2 and 4-feb-2011. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope ASA N10, FL=906mm on ASA DDM85 mount. No autoguiding
Camera Artemis11002. Hutech IDAS LPS and Baader RGB filters
Image processing L: 50x300s, 12x60s y 12x20s; RGB: 12x300s, 12x60s y 12x20s;and 10x10s; stacked and processed with Pixinsight

Date and location 17-jan-2009. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope ASA N10, FL=906mm on Titan mount. Autoguide with Miniborg 50, QHY6 and Guidemaster
Camera Artemis11002. Hutech IDAS LPS filter
Image processing H: 10x300s, 20x60s and  20x10s, RGB: 3x300s, 10x60s and 10x10s; stacked with AIP4WIN. Process with Pixinsight

Date and location 17-jan-2009. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope ASA N10, FL=906mm on Titan mount. Autoguide with Miniborg 50, QHY6 and Guidemaster
Camera Artemis11002. Hutech IDAS LPS filter
Image processing H: 10x300s, and 20x60s and  20x10s, stacked with AIP4WIN. Process with Pixinsight

Date and location 24-11-2007. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80 ED, FL=560mm on Titan mount. Autoguide with Miniborg 60, Toucam SC3 and Guidemaster.
Camera Artemis11002. Baader 7nm h-alpha filter.
Image processing H: 25x300s and 18x60s  stacked with AIP4WIN. Process with Pixinsight

Date and location 13-01-2007. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope LX200R 8" on Titan mount. 2000mm. Autoguide with Megrez II 80 ED, Toucam SC3 and Guidemaster.
Camera Artemis285. Focal reducer 0.7. IDAS LPR Hutech filter.
Image processing L:2x300s y 1x30s;  stacked with AIP4WIN. Process with Pixinsight

On the left of the picture the "running man" nebula, NGC1977, can be seen.

   True colour

Previous proccess of the image

Date and location 10-12-2005. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80 ED. 560mm. Autoguide with Toucam y LX200GPS.
Camera Artemis285. Focal reducer 0,69. Hutech IDAS LPS filter .
Image processing H: 10x300s y 6x60s; L:7x120s y 10x20s; RGB: 3x180s y 3x60s stacked with AIP4WIN. Histogram, RGB and noise reduction with Pixinsight. Overlapping, HLRGB and unsharp mask with Adobe Photoshop.

  False colour method Steve Cannistra (synthetic green channel)

Date and location 3-dic-2005. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80ED, f=560mm. Focal reducer 0.69. Autoguíde with Toucam and LX200GPS
Camera Artemis285. IDAS LPS H-alpha and OIII filters
Image processing
H: 6x300s and 4x60s; O: 3x60s. Images stacked with AIP4WIN. Histograms and noise filter with Pixinsight. Synthetic green channel, HHsGO and overlapping with Adobe Photoshop.

  False colour R=H_alpha; G=OIII; B=OIII

Date and location 3-dic-2005. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80ED, f=560mm. Focal reducer 0.69. Autoguíde with Toucam and LX200GPS
Camera Artemis285. IDAS LPS H-alpha and OIII filters
Image processing
H: 6x300s and 4x60s; O: 3x60s. Images stacked with AIP4WIN. Histograms, HOO and noise filter with Pixinsight. HHOO and overlapping with Adobe Photoshop.

Date and location 3-dic-2005. Caraquiz, Guadalajara
Telescope Megrez II 80ED, f=560mm. Focal reducer 0.69. Autoguíde with Toucam and LX200GPS
Camera Artemis285. IDAS LPS H-alpha filter
Image processing
H: 6x300s and 4x60s. Images stacked with AIP4WIN. Histograms and noise filter with Pixinsight. Overlapping with Adobe Photoshop.

Previous images of M42

Visits since september 14th, 2004:   Contador
